Source code for rigidity.rules

import ctypes
import rigidity.errors

[docs]class Rule(): ''' Base rule class implementing a simple apply() method that returns the given data unchanged. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): ''' This is the default method for applying a rule to data. By default, the `read()` and `write()` methods will use this method to validate and modify data. :param value: the data to be validated. :returns: the validated and possibly modified value as documented by the rule. :raises rigidity.errors.DropRow: when the rule wants to cancel processing of an entire row, it may do so with the DropRow error. This signifies to the :class:`rigidity.Rigidity` class that it should discontinue processing the row. ''' return value
[docs] def read(self, value): ''' When reading data, it is validated with this method. By default, this method calls the `apply()` method of this class. However, you may override this method to achieve different behavior when reading and writing. :param value: the data to be validated. :returns: the validated and possibly modified value as documented by the rule. :raises rigidity.errors.DropRow: when the rule wants to cancel processing of an entire row, it may do so with the DropRow error. This signifies to the :class:`rigidity.Rigidity` class that it should discontinue processing the row. ''' return self.apply(value)
[docs] def write(self, value): ''' When writing data, it is validated with this method. By default, this method calls the `apply()` method of this class. However, you may override this method to achieve different behavior when reading and writing. :param value: the data to be validated. :returns: the validated and possibly modified value as documented by the rule. :raises rigidity.errors.DropRow: when the rule wants to cancel processing of an entire row, it may do so with the DropRow error. This signifies to the :class:`rigidity.Rigidity` class that it should discontinue processing the row. ''' return self.apply(value)
[docs]class CapitalizeWords(Rule): ''' Capitalize words in a string. By default, words are detected by searching for space, tab, new line, and carriage return characters. You may override this setting. Also, by default, the first character is capitalized automatically. ''' SEPERATORS = ' \t\n\r'
[docs] def __init__(self, seperators=SEPERATORS, cap_first=True): ''' :param str seperators: capitalize any character following a character in this string. :param bool cap_first: automatically capitalize the first character in the string. ''' self.seperators = seperators self.cap_first = cap_first
[docs] def apply(self, value): # Create a unicode buffer. These things are mutable! buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(value) # If capitalization of the first character is desired, capitalize. if self.cap_first: buffer[0] = buffer[0].upper() # Search for all separators in the string for i in range(0, len(buffer) - 1): if buffer[i] in self.seperators: buffer[i + 1] = buffer[i + 1].upper() # Return the modified buffer return buffer.value
[docs]class Cary(Rule): ''' Cary values into subsequent rows lacking values in their column. ''' #: When an empty cell is encountered and no previous fill value is #: available, throw an error. ACTION_ERROR = 1 #: Until a value is encountered, use a default value to fill empty #: cells. ACTION_DEFAULT = 2 #: When an empty cell is encountered and no other value is available #: to fill the cell, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, action=ACTION_ERROR, default=None): ''' :param action: take the behavior indicated by ACTION_ERROR, ACTION_DEFAULT, or ACTION_DROPROW. ''' self.action = action self.previous_available = False self.previous = default if action == self.ACTION_DEFAULT: self.previous_available = True
[docs] def apply(self, value): if value is None or value == '': if self.previous_available: return self.previous elif self.action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise ValueError('Empty cell encountered before a value.') elif self.action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() else: self.previous = value self.previous_available = True return value
[docs]class Boolean(Rule): ''' Cast a string as a boolean value. ''' #: When invalid data is encountered, raise an exception. ACTION_ERROR = 1 #: When invalid data is encountered, return a set defaut value. ACTION_DEFAULT = 2 #: When invalid data is encountered, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, allow_null=False, action=ACTION_ERROR, default=None): ''' :param action: take the behavior indicated by ACTION_ERROR, ACTION_DEFAULT, or ACTION_DROPROW. ''' self.allow_null = allow_null self.default = default self.action = action
[docs] def apply(self, value): lvalue = str(value).lower() if lvalue in ('true', 'yes', 't', '1'): return True elif lvalue in ('false', 'no', 'f', '0'): return False elif self.allow_null and lvalue in ('null', 'none', ''): return None else: if self.action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise ValueError('Value was not a boolean value') elif self.action == self.ACTION_DEFAULT: return self.default elif self.action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() else: raise ValueError('Value was not a boolean value')
[docs]class Bytes(Rule): ''' When reading data, encode it as a bytes object using the given encoding. When writing data, decode it using the given encoding. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, encoding='utf8'): self.encoding = encoding
[docs] def read(self, value): return value.encode(self.encoding)
[docs] def write(self, value): return value.decode(self.encoding)
[docs]class Contains(Rule): ''' Check that a string field value contains the string (or all strings in a list of strings) passed as a parameter to this rule. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, string): if isinstance(string, str): self.strings = [string] elif isinstance(string, (list, tuple)): self.strings = string else: raise ValueError('string must be a string or a lsit')
[docs] def apply(self, value): for string in self.strings: if string not in value: raise ValueError('String "%s" not in value' % string) return value
[docs]class Integer(Rule): ''' Cast all data to ints or die trying. ''' #: When invalid data is encountered, raise an exception. ACTION_ERROR = 1 #: When invalid data is encountered, return zero. ACTION_ZERO = 2 #: When invalid data is encountered, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, action=ACTION_ERROR): ''' :param action: take the behavior indicated by ACTION_ERROR, ACTION_ZERO, or ACTION_DROPROW. ''' self.action = action
[docs] def apply(self, value): try: return int(value) except ValueError as err: if self.action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise err elif self.action == self.ACTION_ZERO: return 0 elif self.action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() else: raise err
[docs]class Float(Rule): ''' Cast all data to floats or die trying. ''' #: When invalid data is encountered, raise an exception. ACTION_ERROR = 1 #: When invalid data is encountered, return zero. ACTION_ZERO = 2 #: When invalid data is encountered, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 3
[docs] def __init__(self, action=ACTION_ERROR): ''' :param action: take the behavior indicated by ACTION_ERROR, ACTION_ZERO, or ACTION_DROPROW. ''' self.action = action
[docs] def apply(self, value): try: return float(value) except ValueError as err: if self.action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise err elif self.action == self.ACTION_ZERO: return 0.0 elif self.action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() else: raise err
[docs]class NoneToEmptyString(Rule): ''' Replace None values with an empty string. This is useful in cases where legacy software uses None to create an empty cell, but your other checks require a string. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): if value is None: return '' return value
[docs]class RemoveLinebreaks(Rule): ''' Remove linebreaks from the start and end of field values. These can sometimes be introduced into files and create problems for humans because they are human users. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): return value.strip('\r\n')
[docs]class ReplaceValue(Rule): ''' Check if the value has a specified replacement. If it does, replace it with that value. If it does not, take one of the following configurable actions: pass it through unmodified, drop the row, or use a default value. ''' #: When no replacement is found, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 1 #: When no replacement is found, return a set default value. ACTION_DEFAULT_VALUE = 2 #: When no replacement is found, allow the original to pass through. ACTION_PASSTHROUGH = 3 #: When no replacement is found, raise an exception. ACTION_ERROR = 4 #: When no replacement is found, return an empty string. ACTION_BLANK = 5 #: .. warning:: ACTION_DROP is deprecated due to the name being similar #: to ACTION_DROPROW. Use ACTION_BLANK instead. ACTION_DROP = ACTION_BLANK # Legacy support for v1.2.0; depreciated
[docs] def __init__(self, replacements={}, missing_action=ACTION_ERROR, default_value=''): ''' :param dict replacements: a mapping between original values and replacement values. :param missing_action: when a replacement is not found for a value, take the behavior specified by the specified value, such as ACTION_DROP, ACTION_DEFAULT_VALUE, ACTION_PASSTHROUGH, or ACTION_ERROR. :param default_value: if ACTION_DEFAULT_VALUE is the missing replacement behavior, use this variable as the default replacement value. ''' self.replacements = replacements self.missing_action = missing_action self.default_value = default_value if missing_action == self.ACTION_BLANK: self.missing_action = self.ACTION_DEFAULT_VALUE self.default_value = ''
[docs] def apply(self, value): if value in self.replacements: return self.replacements[value] elif self.missing_action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() elif self.missing_action == self.ACTION_PASSTHROUGH: return value elif self.missing_action == self.ACTION_DEFAULT_VALUE: return self.default_value elif self.missing_action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise IndexError('No replacement for value') else: raise IndexError('No replacement for value; invalid default action')
[docs]class Static(Rule): ''' Replace a field's value with a static value declared during initialization. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, value): self.static_value = value
[docs] def apply(self, value): return self.static_value
[docs]class Unique(Rule): ''' Only allow unique values to pass. When a repeated value is found, the row may be dropped or an error may be raised. ''' #: When repeat data is encountered, raise an exception. ACTION_ERROR = 1 #: When repeat data is encountered, drop the row. ACTION_DROPROW = 2
[docs] def __init__(self, action=ACTION_ERROR): ''' :param action: Accepts either ACTION_ERROR or ACTION_DROPROW as the behavior to be performed when a value is not unique. ''' self.action = action self.encountered = []
[docs] def apply(self, value): ''' Check that a value is unique. :raises ValueError: when ACTION_ERROR is set and the value is not unique. ''' if value in self.encountered: if self.action == self.ACTION_ERROR: raise ValueError('Value not unique') elif self.action == self.ACTION_DROPROW: raise rigidity.errors.DropRow() else: raise ValueError('Invalid action set') self.encountered.append(value) return value
[docs]class Drop(Rule): ''' Drop the data in this column, replacing all data with an empty string value. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): return ''
[docs]class Strip(Rule): ''' Strip excess white space from the beginning and end of a value. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, chars=None): if chars: self.strip_args = [chars] else: self.strip_args = []
[docs] def apply(self, value): return value.strip(*self.strip_args)
[docs]class UpcA(Rule): ''' Validate UPC-A barscode numbers to ensure that they are 12 digits. Strict validation of the check digit may also be enabled. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, strict=False): ''' :param bool strict: If `true`, raise a ValueError if the given UPC code fails the check digit validation. ''' self.strict = strict
[docs] def apply(self, value): ''' Cast the value to a string, then check that it is numeric. Afterwards, zero-pad the left side to reach the standard length of 12 digits. :raises ValueError: when strict mode is enabled and the given UPC code fails the check digit validation. ''' value = str(value) if not value.isdigit(): raise ValueError('UPC-A code is not numeric.') # Some barcodes become truncated by spreadsheet software that # treats the column numericly rather than as a string. value = '0' * (12 - len(value)) + value if len(value) > 12: raise ValueError('UPC-A is longer than 12 digits') # Verify the UPC check digit if self.strict: odd = sum([int(x) for x in value[0:11:2]]) * 3 even = sum([int(x) for x in value[1:11:2]]) check = (-1 * (odd + even) % 10) if int(value[-1]) != check: raise ValueError('UPC-A check digit is incorrect') return value
[docs]class Lower(Rule): ''' Convert a string value to lower-case. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): return value.lower()
[docs]class Upper(Rule): ''' Convert a string value to upper-case. '''
[docs] def apply(self, value): return value.upper()